High Caffeine, What Are The Dangers?
So, high caffeine, what are the risks? Firstly, the dosage will be quantified, as this is a significant contributor when discussing risk. The tolerance of the consumer matters a lot in this regard, as I’m also sure the biomass also matters when it comes to absorption and tolerance levels. General Information The FDA have stated […]
Autophagy and Boxing – Are There any Benefits?
What is Autophagy Firstly, autophagy is a recently discovered phenomenon; it was discovered by Yoshinori Ohsumi in the 90s, who received a Nobel Prize in 2016 for his efforts. Autophagy is delineated as self-eating, that is, cells break down material to remove junk before they can be repaired. I have also embedded a video below […]
Should you use Shilajit?
Should you use Shilajit? Shilajit is an organic substance found on the surface of rocks in The Himalayas, formed by decomposition of micro-organisms. It has been used as a remedy as per the Ayurvedic tradition, derived from India, approximately 3000 years ago. I’ve recently completed a cycle of Shilajit, lasting approximately 2-months; I cannot say […]
Why Should You do Brain Training?
Brain Training Firstly, I would like to start off by saying that brain-training won’t make you a genius, but I do think it will help with general self-improvement. to emphasise, perhaps grammar is something that you struggle with, and you would like to improve in this area? There are many solutions to this problem, you […]