General Suggestions on Nutrition

I would like to make a number of general suggestions on nutrition, these stem from foods and supplements that I use daily.

I may expand on some of these either in new posts in the future, or pages added to the site.

Firstly, I think a balanced diet is the way forward for most, whilst avoiding food that too refined/processed, this can include: nuts, seeds, fruits, meat and vegetables etc.

Whole-oat porridge, with added fruits, nuts and seeds, makes an excellent meal to have either on the evening (to provide you with energy for a morning workout, even whilst fasted) or in the morning, to prepare you for the day ahead.

Blueberries and strawberries are a great addition to a porridge, as are cashews, hazelnuts, almonds etc; providing you with saturated fats, proteins, and a range of micronutrients.

For instance, you may get vitamin E from almonds, vitamins A and multiple B vitamins from the whole-oat porridge (I emphasise whole-oats, as more components are preserved, such as the bran and the germ).

Brazil nuts are a good source of selenium, with cashew being a source of zinc.

It’s also worth noting, you will get minerals such as magnesium, manganese etc. from the porridge, and the other foods added.

Phosphorus can be found in seeds and/or nuts, such as the ones that mentioned below this paragraph.

Optimising Nutrition

You need to be careful with your phosphorus intake, because phosphorus and offset your calcium intake, and potentially trigger a deficiency.

insofar as seeds are concerned, you can add sesame and pumpkin seeds to a porridge, to add some crunch to the meal.

I’ve seen different formulas for this, but a good figure to work with on carbohydrate consumption, would be 2g/lb of body-weight.

A rough figure for protein, is 1g/lb of body-weight; however, this may be overkill for your needs, but it will depend on your body-type.

If you require further information on the above, you may benefit from the following article, which I found in a google search:

Workout performance

If you regularly do intense workouts, and have a very low body-fat percentage (e.g. <10%), consider consuming additional carbohydrates, relative to your current consumption to prevent fatigue.

Add a variety of leafy greens and other vegetables into your diet, my personal recommendations are spinach, brocolli, cauliflower.

These vegetables are sources of iron, vitamin A, vitamin K, and a range of phytonutrients, such as beta-carotene and quercetin.

Now, good natural sources of carbohydrates, can range from fruits, grains (preferably the whole of the grain), and root vegetables such as potatoes or carrots (also sources of vitamin A).

Finally, this concludes this post, I will be expanding on the subjects mentioned in due course, I personally like listening to informative podcasts that provide similar types of information.

You may benefit from the listening to the following podcast, but I must warn you, its very knowledge extensive, and you may not retain all essential information in a single listen:

Really good stuff from Dr Andrew Huberman and Dr Andy Galpin!

For some general information on my routine, please refer to my weekly routine page: My Weekly Routine


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