Miyo Yoshida schools Ebanie Bridges

Miyo Yoshida schools Ebanie Bridges

Miyo Yoshida schools Ebanie Bridges, winning a land-slide decision with scorecards including 99-91, at the Chase Center, San Francisco.

Bridges simply couldn’t get into a rhythm; she was eager to engage on the front-end, but was countered repeatedly.

Yoshida was the tidier boxer, and was very effective with 3-2 (left-hook, cross combos) combos, used as counters.

At times, it looked like she was hurting bridges, but Bridges was able to avoid being stunned, and kept marching on.

It was an entertaining fight, and a great warm-up for the card.

Ebanie Bridges showed respect to her opponent after the loss, demonstrating that she was gracious in defeat.

Bridges would have surely earned respect from her detractors after a valiant performance, and good attitude to a loss.

Yoshida has became a world-champion, and moves on with her career, with her further opportunities awaiting her.

Personally, I felt that Yoshida was an unknown quantity, but had potential, and is also the #1 ranked female in her weight-class in Japan.

Finally, salutations to both fighters, the best woman had won; Yoshida will likely go with a rematch against Shurretta Metcalf.

Picks have been good this week, you can find them here

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